I guess I'll start with the obvious. I'm wasting time after just having cleaned my room waiting on Benjamin to come over to watch some 30 Rock. In all likelihood, he'll sketch out, but it was a decent excuse to clean my room. Plus, I may actually get my 30 Rock DVDs back if he decides to come over after all.
I awoke to an interesting notification from Google this morning when I tried to sign in to my Gmail. Apparently someone tried to hack into my account overnight and they made me change my password, which was extremely annoying because I choose passwords that I can remember instead of for security. Until now, I was never worried that anyone would hack into anything of mine. I mean, I'd like to think I don't have any enemies. I live my life the best way I know how and try to be good to people. It's worked pretty well so far, or so I thought. I'm thinking this may be sinister because under one of the previous blogs about Jason's firefighting, an anonymous commenter said "Your boyfriend looks like an unkempt neanderthal," which I immediately took down. The next morning, the hacking alert happens. The two may not be related, but if they are, I have a good idea who is doing it, and trust me, if it's who I think it is, their intentions are far from good. If nothing else, it's a good lesson in controlling anger, bitterness, and resentment because he obviously hasn't been able to.
In other news, I find this comic to be extremely hilarious:
Also this:

So maybe I like making fun of Japanese culture. Or maybe I just wanted to post a picture of a duck and this was the first one I found. If I were a betting woman, I'd put my money on the latter. It's a much safer bet.
Since this post has devolved into randomness, I guess I better quit while I'm ahead. I had an incredibly awkward dinner where I inadvertently crashed a date without knowing at first. But in my defense, he asked me to come to dinner without mentioning her, so really it was his fault. That didn't make it any less awkward. So before I create any more awkwardness with incoherent rambling, I'll peace out and go watch some 30 Rock with Benjamin. No, he didn't sketch out. Points for Ben :)
I love XKCD! I wasted a lot of time at work the other day perusing their archive.