We are leaving for Kentucky in the morning. We are going to see my aunt and I will be taking an official tour of the UK Law School. I'm excited because this is my first official law school visit (and my first chance to wear the new suit). I'll be having lunch with the attorney for the Health Department (My aunt is the director--that comes in handy), and hopefully I'll be able to pick his brain a little. All in all, it promises to be a great trip. When we're not law school schmoozing, we'll be taking winery tours and generally exploring Lexington. It'll be a nice little break from Opelika. The only downside so far is that I'll be missing the UGA game. Athens is a really great place to visit, and I've never been there on a gameday before. Oh well. Maybe next time.
Speaking of gamedays, I'll have to do a scrapbook post of LSU-trip pictures. They're on facebook, but who cares? It was a great trip, if you don't count the 8 hours we were actually in Baton Rouge. All of the photos are kind of rough because I took them with my iPhone, but they're the only record we actually have of the trip. More on that adventure to come. Trust me, it's a great story.

Oddly enough, I've been watching a lot of South Park lately. Sure they're crass and vulgar and sometimes just downright obscene, but honestly, it's probably the best social satire out there right now. Right about the time SNL nosedove into sub-mediocrity (also known as sucking), it seems like South Park was there to step in and take the helm. Margaritaville did a better job of explaining the economic collapse than most news outlets. Two Days Before The Day After Tomorrow depicts the "Climate Change" (or whatever they're going to call it next week) crowd perfectly. So maybe some of them aren't sharp, hard-hitting, witty social commentary (admittedly, I skip over quite a few episodes when I go visit SPS), but compared to everything else out there, South Park seems to be running the table at the moment.
So what is there to make of this random, disjointed post? Probably not very much, to be quite honest with you. Part of the reason I never update this thing is that I'm afraid that I won't have anything to say. This post was no exception. But nevertheless, I'll solider on. Tomorrow will be quite a long day with the traveling and whatnot. Hopefully I'll be able to take some pictures for a post about UK. Again, no promises, but I'll try.
come back to twitter, that is all.