Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dang it.

I fell asleep early last night and woke up early this morning. This was not the plan. I'm supposed to be back on my night shift schedule. Tonight is going to suck. Badly. But I think I'm working with Justin and Troy, so at least there will be good people in the back to keep me awake.

But while I'm up, I might as well make the most of it. My plan for the day is to run, eat a good lunch, put on a boring movie, and hopefully get a good nap before City Council. Whether or not that actually happens remains to be seen. I keep waffling back and forth as whether or not to quit my Observer job. I really do enjoy reporting on the City Council and the Planning Commission, but with my sleep schedule, I don't have a lot of time. Oh well. It's extra Europe money, at the very least.

Oh, back to work. We had an interesting night a week or so ago. I was ringing up a customer and we heard this really loud crash and saw a flash of light, which turned out to be an SUV running off the road and crashing into our Daylight Donuts sign, sending it about 30 feet across the parking lot. We went outside to see if everyone was okay, and two guys got out of the car, said something to each other, and took off. We called the police and they came and took statements and all of that stuff, but as best as we can tell, the drivers were intoxicated illegals who had borrowed that SUV. They never caught them, as far as we know. Way to go, APD. The way they wrecked the vehicle, though, was priceless:

A wide shot of the carnage. The vehicle is sitting directly on top of the post where the sign used to be.

Another angle, with leaking radiator fluid. These guys did a number on this thing.

The front of the SUV. It loos like one of their heads hit the windshield, but there was no blood on it, so who knows? Anyway, sorry for the crappy quality, but as you have seen, the only camera I ever actually use is on my phone and night time picture-taking is not one of its strong suits.

I guess I should go ahead and start my day. I've been internetting since about 9 this morning. I had to send a message and get some things off my chest and since then I've been talking to Jorge about how much we'd like to punch Paul Finebaum in the face and catching up on emails. I still haven't completely caught up from the Kentucky trip. In an unexpected plot twist, cold weather has become my favorite to run in. I'm looking forward to today's run. The epic hill on Northgate Drive is perfect for working out aggression and emotions. I need that today.

1 comment:

  1. Intoxicated illegals who "borrowed" a car. Well, at least they didn't hit another car and kill somebody. That stuff makes my blood boil.


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