Friday, November 20, 2009


I'm having to start this post a little early tonight. I haven't had much sleep, so blogging might end up being the only thing that keeps me awake until it's time to clean the lobby. Part of me was hoping that tonight would be a little busy so it would keep me from falling asleep, but quiet nights are kind of nice, too. Having a little extra time to clean and, well, blog, is kinda cool.

I had my first douche bag customer tonight. I'll spare you the story, but suffice to say he was a complete and total dick. But I guess out of all the customers I've had in three weeks, one asshat isn't too terrible. It could be much, much worse.

The classical piano concert tonight was amazing. Ji-Yong was phenomenal. I can't believe he's only 18. His technical skill was impressive, but his ability to put so much feeling into a piano piece was really breathtaking. And with no sheet music! I'm so grateful to Benjamin for asking me to go. Having a chance to see this prodigy perform was quite possibly a once in a lifetime experience. And I'm not gonna lie, we both looked pretty classy. Just like future Oscar winners should look (No, I'm not letting that dream go. It's going to happen. Furreal furreal).

I'm running out of good (appropriate) options for POTD. I guess I'll have to go on a picture/macro/comic hunt when I have some free time. For now, this one will have to do:

If the text is too small, it reads: Wonka's Boat Ride: Causing childhood trauma since 1971. This one makes me laugh because I can't watch that scene without getting freaked out.

 I guess I should go do some real work now. I'm all mopey tonight, but I blame that on the serious lack of sleep, the crappy customer, and another unfortunate situation. But they'll all work themselves out and when I get off this morning, I'm going to sleep the heck out of the whole day.

I'm going to go turn the music up to drown out the boys' CONSTANT Call of Duty jabber. I can't take it anymore.

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