So I went running today for the first time in a while. It's negative butt ass cold outside, but I figured today was as good a day as any to start back. I've gained back all of that weight I lost in the spring so it's time to get back in shape. I took my oldest dog, Sammy, with me. He needed a break from the mammoth puppy, Higgins. Higgins is up to just under 90 lbs and terrorizes poor Sammy. And Sammy loves to run, so I thought it would be a perfect fit.
Note to self: Running is hard.
You'd think I'd remember this after the bazillionth time I've restarted a running kick, but I am never quite prepared for how tough the first one is. I am used to being able to cruise right along, even in the cold, but today was kinda difficult. I'm hoping to go tomorrow and the day after that, so hopefully it'll get easier. And Sammy loved it. We'll see how it goes tomorrow.
Last night, the boys (George, Justin, and Eric, who is a loser and doesn't have a blog) came up to Daylight to hang out and in George and Eric's case, to study (and eventually sleep). We should have had the camera rolling the whole time, but we did manage to capture at least one retarded thing that went on.
And that's when George invented the hole in a cup.
George thought the hole in the bottom of his cup was better than a straw. Justin sure showed him.
I need to get after it and upload some more MarcDevin videos. It just takes too long for them to actually upload. But I'm going to have to try to stay awake if we are going to go shooting this afternoon, so that's what I may be doing to keep alert.
For now, I am going to catch up on my Thursday TV that I slept through (a favorite TV shows blog will be coming, don't worry) and try to control my craving for cheap Chinese. It's only 10 am. Definitely not time for lunch yet.
Hopefully there will be more exciting news later. I've got some pictures that I've been meaning to post so here they are all at once without proper context. Isn't it more fun that way?
We went to the Auburn/Virginia basketball game to get our vouchers for the bowl tickets. It filled up a little more after this, but not much. But by some miracle, we won that game. War Eagle!
Annnnnnd Ben and I had a photo shoot.
This is just what we do.
Look, being a Mac user doesn't change the fact that you lose all of your cool points by driving a Kia minivan. Sorry, them's the rules.
The genius management at work decided to put the extra donut cutting machine right in the middle of the stock aisle. Guess where all of the stuff we need to stock the front is? That's right! Behind it! Fail.
Justin decided to squirt cream cheese icing in his mouth. Yes, he is an idiot.
And finally, courtesy of the Plainsman Parking Lot, a truer statement has never been made about Auburn's use of the Wildcat this year:

Yeah, you know it's funny...'cause it's true.
Well, I almost made it the whole time without talking about football. But I was making fun of us, so that has to count for something, right Will? I'll try harder next time.
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