Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Save money, live better?

Today, I continue the never-ending quest to save money by installing phase 2 of my "I don't want to be broke all the time" plan:

Bringing my lunch to work.

Remember the oeufs au plat and the green onion sausage and chicken gravy over homemade mayonnaise biscuits from last night?

BAM! Instant lunch!

When you subtract the eggs (there's no way to make eggs over easy good leftover), this actually made a decent lunch. I added some no sugar added apple sauce and a serving of reduced fat Wheat Thins (also trying to lose weight. More on my "I don't want to be a fatty anymore" plan in the future).

The best part? I didn't burn 12 miles worth of gas round trip. This is going to cut my work-related gas consumption in half. I'd say that's pretty cool.

When we were stocking up on some of the Kroger Mega Event items, I selected a few things I knew would make good lunches. I may start bringing a book and actually taking a lunch break instead of internetting/working while I eat. We'll see.

The only downside is that I won't be able to go home to let Logan out. I've enjoyed being able to spend about 40 minutes at home relaxing with him everyday, but gas is just too expensive. He'll be fine, though. He is able to make it through an entire night without needing to go out. I'll just miss him.

Look at my sweet baby. Isn't he precious? :)
No other lifestyle breakthroughs to report right now. I think we're going to take part tonight in that oldest and most celebrated of 20-something money saving rituals: mooching dinner from my parents. But hey, free food is free food. And it just happens to be my mommy's spaghetti, one of my favorite foods. So it's a win all around.

Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. MOOOCH! I usually drop by my mom's every Sunday for dinner so I can't talk, but at least there's a good reason for this weekend :) It's nice checking out your blog see how things are going. Have a good day Peggy! - Jarrod


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